版本:v5.2.0.12913 官方版 大小:1.08 MB
类别:其他驱动 系统:WinXP, Win7, Win8, Win10
立即下载IBMSystem x3650服务器SAS磁盘阵列卡驱动是专为做raid服务器的用户们打造的电脑驱动程序,有了这款驱动你就可以更方便的进行操作了,有需要的用户赶快来IT猫扑下载体验吧!
IBMSystem x3650服务器SAS磁盘阵列卡驱动:IBM ServeRAID 8i, 8k, 8k-l, 8s SAS controller driver v5.2.0.12913 for Microsoft Windows 2000/2003 - IBM BladeCenter and System x
今天安装客户的服务器,要求系统是win2003 server 结果找到了半天没找到x3650的raid驱动,基本网上都是x3650 m4的raid驱动,所以特整理收集分享给大家。
Severity: Suggested
Supported systems:
IBM BladeCenter HS21 (7995, 8853, 1885)
IBM BladeCenter HS21 XM (1915, 7995)
IBM BladeCenter LS21 (7971)
IBM BladeCenter LS22 (7901)
IBM BladeCenter LS41 (7972)
IBM BladeCenter LS42 (7902)
IBM System x3200 (4363, 4362)
IBM System x3250 (4364, 4366, 4365)
IBM System x3400 (7973, 7974, 7975, 7976)
IBM System x3455 (7941, 7984, 7940, 7986)
IBM System x3500 (7977)
IBM System x3550 (1913, 7978)
IBM System x3650 (7979, 1914)
IBM System x3650 NAS (7979)
IBM System x3655 (7985, 7943)
IBM System x3755 (7163, 8877)
IBM System x3800 (8865, 8866)
IBM System x3850 (7365, 7362, 8864, 8863)
IBM System x3950 (7363, 7366, 8878, 8872)
IBM System x3950 E (8874, 8879, 7364, 7367)
IBM xSeries 206m (8490, 8485)
IBM xSeries 206m NAS (8490)
IBM xSeries 260 (8865)
IBM xSeries 306m (1887, 8849, 8491)
IBM xSeries 366 (8863)
IBM xSeries 460 (8874, 8872)
IBM xSeries MXE 460 (8874)
Change history
Version (ServeRAID 9.00)
Problems fixed:
If the "Enable write cache on the disk" box is unchecked in Device Manager, a notification is sent to the Windows event log indicating the possibility of data loss if power fails unexpectedly. In actuality, the write-cache policy cannot be modified with this checkbox, so the box was re-checked automatically. The notification message was incorrect and there is no exposure to data loss. The notification message has now been changed.
Added support for Windows PE
Limitations: N/A
Dependencies: N/A
Version (ServeRAID 8.40)
Problem(s) fixed: none.
Added support for ServeRAID 8s
Limitations: none.
Dependencies: none.
Version (ServeRAID 8.30)
Problem(s) fixed: none.
Added support for ServeRAID 8k and 8k-l
Added support for logical volumes over 2TB
Limitations: none.
Dependencies: none.
Version (ServeRAID 8.20)
Problem(s) fixed: none.
Support for new systems.
Limitations: none.
Dependencies: none.
Version (ServeRAID 8.15)
Problem(s) fixed: none.
Support for new systems.
Limitations: none.
Dependencies: none.
Version (ServeRAID 8.00)
Problem(s) fixed: none.
Initial Release of 8i drivers
Limitations: none.
Dependencies: none.
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Supported products
Supported systems
BladeCenter HS12 (1916,8014,8028)
BladeCenter HS21 XM (1915,7995)
BladeCenter HS21 (1885,7995,8853)
BladeCenter LS21 (7971)
BladeCenter LS22 (7901)
BladeCenter LS41 (7972)
BladeCenter LS42 (7902)
System x3200 (4362,4363)
System x3250 (4364,4365,4366)
System x3400 (7973,7974,7975,7976)
System x3455 (7940,7941,7984,7986)
System x3500 (7977)
System x3550 (1913,7978)
System x3650 NAS (7979)
System x3650 (1914,7979)
System x3655 (7943,7985)
System x3755 (7163,8877)
System x3800 (8865,8866)
System x3850 (7362,7365,8863,8864)
System x3950 E (7364,7367,8874,8879)
System x3950 (7363,7366,8872,8878)
xSeries 366 (8863)
xSeries 460 (8872,8874)
xSeries MXE 460 (8874)
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Supported options
xSeries 206m NAS (ALL)
xSeries 206m (ALL)
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Supported operating systems
Older System x
Windows 2000
Windows Server 2003
Windows Server 2003 x86-64
System x
Windows 2000
Windows Server 2003
Windows Server 2003 x86-64
Windows 2000
Windows Server 2003
Windows Server 2003 x86-64
IBMSystem x3650的阵列卡驱动官网下载地址:http://www-947.ibm.com/systems/support/supportsite.wss/docdisplay?lndocid=MIGR-61745&brandind=5000008