版本:v1.3.12 苹果越狱版 大小:15.35 MB
类别:视频影音 系统:苹果iOS
立即下载vmeyesuper hd是专为ipad用户打造的一款手机监控软件,通过连接相应的监控设备,对监控视频进行设置和管理,帮助用户实时掌握监控动态,进行回放等,有需要的用户欢迎来IT猫扑下载~
*Please Use TCP PORT On this app, the default is 34567
vMEyeSuper HD allows iPad users to view and control live video streams from cameras and video encoders. Pro version support more convenient settings & functions.
Features include:
iPad compatible.
Unlimited video on cellular and wifi.
Support MultiChannel video encoder.
Support for authentication.
Support for Pan, Tilt, & Zoom control.
Direct stream connection. No video going through 3rd party servers.
Snapshot capability (while viewing live stream) to save to your local photo gallery.
Support for landscape and portrait mode.
Ability to change ip address and port as desired for internal and remote users.
Support history view to switch different camera IP convenient.
Support DVRs or IPCameras of different manufactures.
Support alarm.
Support Talkback.