类别:游戏补丁系统:WinXP, Win7, Win8, Win10
解压chinese.zip丢进Plugins\plotme 覆盖原文件
/plotme claim <player> 为别人认领你脚下的地皮
/plotme auto 自动认领顺序下一个地皮
/plotme home[:#] 设置家,如果你有多个:
/plotme home 会带你去你1号地皮.
/plotme home:2 会带你去2号地皮.
/plotme home[:#] <player> 去别人家/plotme home id 会带你去他的1号地皮.
/plotme home:2 id 会带你去他的2号地皮.
/plotme list 列出你的地皮
/plotme list <player> 列出别人的地皮
/plotme info 列出你站在的地皮的信息(包括地皮id, 主人,地形, 日期, 结束 帮助).
/plotme comment <text> 评论一下(留言)到当前的地皮
/plotme comments 查看各种留言
/plotme biome 查看目前地形
/plotme biome <biome> 改变当前地皮的地形
/plotme biomelist 列出可设置地形
/plotme tp <id> 传送到某个地皮
/plotme id 查看当前地皮的id和坐标
/plotme clear 将地皮初始化到认领时候的样子(地形哦~慎用)
/plotme reset 还原地皮(慎用,解除占领的)
/plotme add <player> 给某个玩家在你地皮建造的权限
/plotme remove <player> 移除某个玩家在你地皮建造的权限
/plotme setowner <player> 过户你的领地给玩家
plotme.use 给玩家下面列出的所有权限。非常基本的命令,一名球玩家可以有无危害的服务器。如果你不给你的玩家此权限,您需要给他们 plotme.limit.1
plotme.admin 给玩家管理员权限。这些都是你只想要给高度受信任的行列,如在您的服务器管理员的权限节点。添加这些节点,只是如果你知道他们在做什么 !
plotme.limit.X X 取代一个数字,以限制用户可以出售、 领取或买的地皮的数量。plotme.limit.* 为无限地皮的。如果用户没有权限,默认值为 1 的地皮。如果用户有多个权限由于继承,取的数字最大
plotme.use.claim /plotme claim
plotme.use.auto /plotme auto
plotme.use.home /plotme home[:#]
plotme.use.info /plotme info
plotme.use.comment /plotme comment
plotme.use.comments /plotme comments
plotme.use.biome /plotme biome
/plotme biome <biome>
/plotme biomelist
plotme.use.clear /plotme clear (Only applies to plots you own)
plotme.use.list /plotme list
plotme.use.buy /plotme buy
plotme.use.sell /plotme sell
plotme.use.auction /plotme auction
plotme.use.bid /plotme bid
plotme.use.dispose /plotme dispose
plotme.use.done /plotme done
plotme.use.deny /plotme deny
plotme.use.undeny /plotme undeny
Excluded from plotme.use
plotme.use.add /plotme add <player> (Only applies to plots you own)
plotme.use.remove /plotme remove <player> (Only applies to plots you own)
plotme.use.protect /plotme protect
plotme.limit.X X为一个数字,X为拥有这个权限的玩家最大购买地皮的数量
Included with plotme.admin
plotme.admin.claim.other /plotme claim <player>
plotme.admin.home.other /plotme home[:#] <player>
plotme.admin.tp /plotme tp <id>
plotme.admin.id /plotme id
plotme.admin.clear /plotme clear
plotme.admin.reset /plotme reset
plotme.admin.add /plotme add <player>
plotme.admin.remove /plotme remove <player>
plotme.admin.setowner /plotme setowner <player>
plotme.admin.move /plotme move <id-from> <id-to>
plotme.admin.weanywhere /plotme weanywhere
plotme.admin.list /plotme list <player>
plotme.admin.reload /plotme reload
plotme.admin.buy /plotme buy <player>
plotme.admin.sell /plotme sell <player>
plotme.admin.auction /plotme auction <player>
plotme.admin.dispose /plotme dispose <player>
plotme.admin.done /plotme done <player>
plotme.admin.addtime /plotme addtime
plotme.admin.expired /plotme expired
plotme.admin.resetexpired /plotme resetexpired
plotme.admin.bypassdeny Gives access to enter denied plots
plotme.admin.buildanywhere Gives access to build on any plot
plotme.admin.deny /plotme deny
plotme.admin.undeny /plotme undeny
plotme.unblock.<ID> Gives access to bypass protection of <ID>