版本:免费版 大小:2.23 MB
类别:主页制作 系统:WinXP, Win7, Win8, Win10
转换(Create) : makeepub
批处理(Batch) : makeepub -b
makeepub -b
打包(Pack) : makeepub -p
解包(Extract) : makeepub -e
合并(Merge) HTML : makeepub -mh
合并(Merge) Text : makeepub -mt
web服务器(Server) : makeepub -s [Port]
The meaning of the arguments are as below:
VirtualFolder : 一个文件夹(如example文件夹下的book文件夹)或zip文件(如example文件夹下的book.zip),里面包含要处理的文件。(An OS folder (for example: folder book in folder example) or a zip file(for example: book.zip in folder example) which contains the input files.)
OutputFolder 一个文件夹,用于保存输出文件。(An OS folder to store the output file(s).)
InputFolder : 一个文件夹,里面有输入文件或文件夹。(An OS folder which contains the input folder(s)/file(s).)
-epub2 : 默认生成EPUB3格式的文件,使用此参数将生成EPUB2格式的文件。(By default, the output file is EPUB3 format, use this argument if EPUB2 format is required.)
-noduokan : 禁用 多看 扩展。(Disable DuoKan externsion.)
BatchFile : 一个文本文件,里面列出了所有要处理的VirtualFolder,每行一个。(A text which lists the path of 'VirtualFolders' to be processed, one line for one 'VirtualFolder'.)
OutputFile : 输出文件的路径。(The path of the output file.)
EpubFile : 一个epub文件的路径。(The path of an EPUB file.)
Port : Web服务器的监听端口,默认80。(The TCP port for the web server to listen to, default value is 80.)