版本:v2.1.0 破解版 大小:48.51 MB
类别:滤镜插件 系统:WinXP, Win7, Win8, Win10
立即下载毛发插件yeti for Maya是一款非常实用的Maya毛发模拟插件破解版,全名peregrine labs yeti 2016,可以帮助你快速的渲染真真实的动物毛发等等,材质清晰,有需要的用户欢迎来IT猫扑下载~
拷贝yeti.lic 到 C:\rlm
编辑maya.env,添加 peregrinel_LICENSE = C:\rlm\yeti.lic
Yeti是Maya的插件,用于生成皮毛、羽毛和树叶,支持各种渲染引擎包括Pixars Renderman 3Delight Chaos Groups Vray 和Solid Angles Arnold。
Yeti is Peregrine Labs product to produce fur feathers and generating lots of things based around familiar working concepts of a procedural node graph directly within Autodesks Maya.The toolset has been developed as an end to end solution that easily integrates into most pipelines with ease and built with the goal of efficiently transporting and rendering the data generated while maintaining an artist friendly workflow.
Maya毛发羽毛插件Peregrine Labs Yeti for Maya 2017 大小:48.51 MB版本:v2.2.5 中文安装版 下载
毛发插件yeti for maya2016 大小:48.51 MB版本:v2.1.0 破解版 下载
yeti for maya2015破解版(maya毛发插件yeti) 大小:21.82 MB版本:v2.1.0 免费版 下载