版本:v1.4 绿色免费版 大小:3.20 MB
类别:网络监测 系统:WinXP, Win7, Win8, Win10
最新版是Real Network Monitor 1.4。
v1.3 [2011/11/13]
- Added an Advanced Property Installer, coded with many security features, simply, and faster install / uninstall
- Added an Advanced Speed Test with 3 levels, for all networks, working with all speeds
- Now, always notify the Minimize to Tray in a baloon
- Now save the latest inferface selected in the UI
- Organized the Form Showns, in the center parent
- Added an benchmark time for SpeedTest Function
- Added "AutoWriteConfig" every 30 seconds
- Accurate Speed Test finished now
- Added Minimize to Tray Function
- Optimized the code engineering
- Corrected codung conversions
- Added Aways On Top Function
- Added RunAtStartup Function
- Advanced Ping Latency Time
- Added some protections
- Updated the GUI Menus
- Fixed some bugs
该软件需要在 .Net 环镜下才能运行,请安装 .NET Framework V3.5 可再发行组件包: http://www.itmop.com/downinfo/2105.html